Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Diversified Management - 2365 Words

Leslie Hammons Dr. William Dean Management 24 October 2013 Diversified Management There are multitudes of cultures in businesses creating diverse working conditions in companies large and small. Therefore in management it is vital for leaders to be diverse in their management and communication techniques. Because each individual is uniquely different, it is essential that managers understand their role in creating peaceful working environments with effective communication, compassion and understanding for each worker’s background. This paper will outline topics such as; the importance of effective communication, employee development and coaching. It will also analyze different management styles and discuss why each manager should mix†¦show more content†¦Employee development and coaching are important to those workers who want to ensure that they have a long term career with the company they are employed with at the present; or for those employees who want to improve on skills they possess or obtain new skills for positions t hey want in the future. Coaching is different from managing and this is another reason why it is important for mangers to understand the difference between the two and to also understand that they must be diversified in their techniques when it comes to both. Managing is typically more focused on certain areas such as meeting deadlines, making sure that the employees understand the company’s vision, mission and values, whereas, coaching is a conversation between a manager and his employee. Coaching can begin when both parties understand that there is a need for coaching and both are receptive to the idea. As Chandler states in his book, The Hands-Off Manager, â€Å"Coaching is a conversation between two individuals. Coaching is about two people achieving synergy in a beautifully hands-off way. In coaching, you might pull someone aside who is struggling and say, are you open to some coaching on this? Once the person says yes, the coaching process can begin (Chandler 185). Coa ching is necessary and vital to building trust worthy relationships with subordinates because in coaching, it is about understanding the employee and their areas ofShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Diversified Workforce And How Management Handles Their Employees From Different Cultural Backgrounds3622 Words   |  15 PagesAbstract The hospitality industry around the globe is characterized by the existence of diversified workforce. As a result, it requires highly skilled Human Resource Management (HRM). 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