Friday, November 8, 2019

The Bushmen vs. the Romans essays

The Bushmen vs. the Romans essays In this paper I compare the non literate society of the African Bushmen to the ancient agricultural society of Rome. I specifically compare the human institution of family. The other institutions are religion, education, economy, and politics. These five institutions are ways that all humans meet their needs. They connect all humans. The men and women of the Bushmen, play two different roles in the family. Men provide for the family when in reality the food the wife scavenge sustains the family. The men are the hunters of the family. The women are the gatherers. They find nuts, berries and other vegetation. Whatever the wife brings home from a day of scavenging is hers to share with her family. When a man comes back from the hunt with meat, it is divided up it portions and distributed throughout the tribe. The parents job is to provide food and nurture their children. The children are the main concern for Bushmen parents. For example, in the video the father gets baby birds to make broth for his child. He says that he nor his wife will drink any of the broth. Bushmen parents are very loving as seen when they play with their children and take special pains to entertain them. Perhaps one motivation behind the parents being concerned primarily about the baby is because they want the baby to grow strong so as to carry the family line in a good way. The children start looking to carry the family line after their rite of passage to adulthood. For boys the rite of passage comes after the boys killing of a large animal. This shows that he can help his community, which acts as a bigger family. A girls rite of passage comes around the time she is able to gather and care for children and she then marries. The wedding ceremony is probably not very elaborate although some magical elements are probably used to bring the new couple good luck. Couples are married for the rest of their lives after the ceremony. In the Bushmen s...

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